I Feel Like I’m From Nowhere is a documentary about identity and belonging.

The piece is an interview with my mom about our family history in Poland.

The project poses the question of what it means to be from somewhere. The last few generations of my family led a nomadic lifestyle, as they frequently moved across the country to the point that every single generation was born and raised in a different place. Is it enough to be born or raised in a specific place if you can't build the historical connection of a family's living memory of the space? Are you from a place without a connection to local culture and heritage, and its past is not yours?

As most of my family died before I was born or when I was little, I was left with a sense of blurred, unclear identity and post-memory defined by gaps and blank spaces. Through interviewing my mom about the lives of my ancestors, I wanted to better understand those who came before me by creating a repository of second-hand memories from stories, anecdotes, and jokes, as well as records of more traumatic experiences.


Grupa Brand Identity


Adopt a Bee